Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes

Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes, Head of English, Media & Culture

Professor of Shakespeare Studies, and Director of the EMRG

Institute of Arts and Humanities

English Media and Culture

Contact Details

tel: 01905 855294

Nicoleta Cinpoes joined the University of Worcester in 2007. She teaches Renaissance Literature, is International Exchanges Liaison for the School of Humanities and co-director of Worcester's Early Modern Research Group.

Nicoleta is the author of Shakespeares Hamlet in Romani a 1778-2008: A Study in Translation, Performance and Cultural Appropriation (Mellen, 2010) and of the open-access website: The Jacobethans. Her work has appeared in Theatrical Blends, Shakespeare Bulletin, Studia Dramatica and Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory.

In the theatre, she has worked in several capacities from that of dramaturge to assistant director and translator. She has edited Doing Kyd: A Collection of Critical Essays on the Spanish Tragedy for Manchester University Press (2016) and is currently collaborating on a new Romanian translation of Shakespeare's complete works, writing introductions to Hamlet (2010), Titus Andronicus, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice and The Comedy of Errors.

Teaching & Research

Nicoleta's research in Shakespeare and Renaissance studies specialises in Shakespeare staged, on the screen, in the classroom, on the internet, translated, appropriated, adapted and recycled. She is particularly interested in Shakespeare in performance viewed as site-, time- and media-specific. Her research takes place through reconstructing productions, writing theatre history and reading performance hermeneutics all of which are intrinsic to critical and cultural production, and the reception and teaching of Shakespeare's works.

She contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate modules across the English Literary Studies curriculum; her teaching focuses on Shakespeare and his contemporaries, early modern literature and culture, film adaptations, and European theatre.

Professional Bodies

At the University of Worcester, Nicoleta Cinpoes has founded The Early Modern Research Group, which she currently co-directs.

She is a long-standing member of the ISA International Shakespeare Association; sits on the Board of the ESRA European Shakespeare Research Association; is the founder and organiser of the Shakespeare in Performance series of International Shakespeare Festival, Craiova, Romania (since 2010) and is an invited member to the Shakespeare Stratford upon Avon Association.


ed. Doing Kyd: Essays on The Spanish Tragedy (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016)

Titus Andronicus by Teatr Polski, and: Titus Andronicus by Hiraeth Artistic Productions (review), Shakespeare Bulletin, 33.1 (2015):135-141.

‘Hamlet or Skeletons in the Cupboard’, in Shakespeare and Tyranny, ed. Keith Gregor, (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), pp. 223-240.

‘“Secret Contact” – Hamlet and Romania in the 1970s’, Romanian Shakespeare Journal, 1.1 (2013): 18-25.

Nicoleta Cinpoes and Lawrence Guntner, ‘Looking for his “Part”: Performing Hamlet in New Millennium Europe‘, Testi e linguaggi 7 (2013): 283-304.

‘‘Pyramus and Thisbe 4 You or a « Wondrous Strange » Tale of Contemporary Romanian Theatre, Arrêts sur scène, ed. Janice Valls-Russell, 1 (2012): 117-125.

‘The Born-again Socialist Bard: Hamlet in Romania’, in The Hamlet Zone: Reworking Hamlet for European Cultures, ed. Ruth Owen (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012), pp. 91-104

Nicoleta Cinpoes and Lawrence Guntner, 'Relocating Hamlet in European Performances in the New Millennium' in Academic Annals of University of Iasi, vol. XIV supplement, In Honorem Odette Blumenfeld (Iasi: Editura Universitatii „Al. I. Cuza”, 2012), pp. 5-24

'Theatrics at War: When Macbeth Meets Macbett', in Shakespeare in Europe: Nation(s) and Boundaries. eds. Odette Blumenfeld and Veronica Popescu (Iasi : Editura Universitatii „Al. I. Cuza”, 2011), pp. 173-185

‘Defrauding Daughters Turning Deviant Wives? Reading Female Agency in The Merchant of Venice’, in SEDERI: Journal of Spanish and Portuguese Shakespeare Association 21(2011):133-146

Un/Happy Wrecks:” Post-1989 Tempests, Shakespeare Bulletin 29.3 (2011), edited by Nicoleta Cinpoes and Boika Sokolova

“Introduction”, Shakespeare Bulletin 29.3 (2011): 273-277, with Boika Sokolova.

‘Siec sztuki roznuta na scenie. Hamlet, Sybin, 2008’, in Amalgamaty sztuki: intermedialne Uwiklania Teatru, ed. Jerzy Limon and Agnieszka Zukowska (Gdansk: Slowo/Obraz Terytoria, 2011), 191-201.

“(Ship)wrecked Shakespeare in Romanian Tempests”, Shakespeare Bulletin 29.3 (2011): 313-326

‘The (inter)play’s the thing’: Hamlet, Sibiu, 2008’, in Theatrical Blends: Art in the Theatre / Theatre in the Arts, ed. Jerzy Limon and Agnieszka Zukowska (Gdansk: Slowo/Obraz Terytoria, 2010), 184-194

Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Romania: 1778 and 2008. A Study in Translation, Performance and Cultural Adaptation (Mellen Press, 2010) ‘Preface: De trei ori Hamlet’, in Hamlet Q1, Q2 si F1 (Bucuresti: Paralela 45, 2010)

"The Long Night's Journey into Today: The Romanian Hamlet of the '80s", in Shakespeare in Romania: 1950 to the Present, ed. Monica Matei Chesnoiu (Bucharest: Humanitas, 2008), 140-69

‘Stillness in Hamlet’, in Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory, ed. Marta Gibinska and Agnieszka Romanowska (Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2008), 291-301

‘Silviu Purcarete’s Macbett or When Ionesco Meets the Bard at the Swan’, Studia Dramatica 1 (2008), 3-18

‘“Lose the name of action“: Post-1989 Romanian Hamlets’, Shakespeare Bulletin 25.1 (2007), 61-85

‘Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama Website’, Bulletin of the Society for Renaissance Studies 23.2 (2007), 8-12

'Modes of Dealing with the Tragic in Bond’s Lear,’ in Shakespeariana 2004 (Galati: Ed. Europlus, 2005), 79-101

‘Hamlet in bits and pieces: Glimpses of the Reel Hamlet (Coronado’s ‘Naked Hamlet’ vs. Branagh’s Hamlet of Our Discontent)’, in Messages, Sages, and Ages (Suceava: USV Press, 2004), 501-511

‘Re-merchandising Shylock: Arnold Wesker’s The Merchant’, in The Annals of the “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle XIII (Galati: Galati UP, 2003), 50-58

‘Reading the Eye in Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet’, Acta Iassyensia Comparationis 1 (2003), 31-9

‘Hamlet. A Romanian History Play’, in The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (Suceava: USV Press, 2002-2003), 191-203

‘Theatre Audience: Between Outcast and Being Cast’, in The Annals of the “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava (Suceava: USV Press, 2002), 105-111


Manuscripts for the Web 2.0 Age – open access website on strands of rare manuscripts in the Worcester Cathedral Library

The Jacobethans – open-access website and database on Elizabethan and Jacobean Dramatists


‘Shakespeare in/and Europe’ – The Hive, Worcester (June-July 2015)

‘From Farce to Romance – Shakespeare’s Comedies at the RSC’, The Peirson Library, University of Worcester, December 2010 – December 2011 (curator).

‘Walk with Hamlet’, The Peirson Library, University of Worcester, October 2009 – November 2010 (curator).


May 2006 – Macbeth, RSC, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK (member of the creative team)

August 2004 – Hamlet, Tîrgu-Mures, Romania (textual adviser and co-director of the production).

External Responsibilities

Peer reviewer for the journals:

  • META: Translators' Journal, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Brno Studies in English Journal, Masaryk University, the Czech Republic
  • Cultural Intertext, Universitatea Dunarea de Jos, Galati, Romania
  • Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, University of Georgia, USA

Member of the Editorial Board of:

  • Global Shakespeare Journal
  • Acta Iassyensia Comparationes
  • Messages, Sages and Ages
  • Shakespeare in European Culture (John Benjamins Press) book series