Sophie Bennett
Sophie Bennett is one step closer to her dream of becoming a doctor as she graduates with a degree in Biomedical Science having already won a place at Medical School.
Sophie Bennett
“I can’t believe it’s been three years and how fast it’s gone,” she said. “It feels like such an achievement. I used to think as a child I want to graduate and have a cap and gown and I’ve actually done it, and it’s exciting.”
Sophie had in the past lacked the confidence to put herself forward to apply for medicine, but her time at the University convinced her to follow her dreams. “It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do but I have never really believed I could do it or had the capabilities” she said. “It never seemed like an option at all until I sat down with my PAT [Personal Academic Tutor]. It was that voice that I needed to hear, to say you can do it. It made me realise I could do it if I put my mind to it.”
Sophie applied to come to the University through Clearing after her A-Level exams did not go ahead due to Covid-19 and results determined from earlier tests were not as high as expected. Following in the footsteps of her mum, who was already a student at the University, she says she couldn’t be happier with how things have turned out.
“It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and doing three years in Worcester clearly wasn’t enough, which is why I want to do four more!” said Sophie, whose mum also finished her degree in Paramedic Science this year, but graduates March next year.
“I just feel like a different person,” said Sophie. “I feel better for it. I’m glad I came here, I’ve got some really good friends from here. The lecturers were all supportive, it feels safe and welcoming. Don’t get me wrong, some things were challenging [on the course] but I found it interesting. The lecturers were excited to teach. You could tell they were passionate about their subject. It feels like they care.
“I think being face to face in lectures and having the smaller class groups enabled me to really make sure I knew it was what I wanted to be doing. The lecturers made it accessible enough that if I didn’t know I could ask them. It made me feel more confident in what I knew. It inspired me to want to do more when I did anatomy and pharmacology.”
Sophie’s ambition is to work as an Accident and Emergency doctor in future and she is looking forward to getting started on her medical degree. She said: “I’m looking forward to getting to work in a hospital with people to understand the body better and how we can treat illnesses and how there’s different methods for that and how that can help in different ways. I find it really interesting how the body works.
“I want to pass that knowledge on to people to help them understand it,” she said. “I want to be able to explain to people and help them understand so they feel safer, so they feel good about it. I feel people at Worcester have taught me and helped me understand. It made me realise I could teach that to other people and make it accessible to other people. I hope to bring that as a doctor, making the process less intimidating so people feel heard and respected and so that they understand.
“When I’m in a hospital I’m always amazed how everything works together and works simultaneously and I want to be a part of it and I want to be able to help people and make that difference if I can.”