Why arts and dementia?

Without greater knowledge and evidence about the arts and dementia, people living with dementia and their families cannot make informed choices. It is difficult for service providers and artists to help people with dementia and their carers to live well with dementia, as commissioners cannot justify expenditure on arts-as-interventions. The TAnDem PhD studentships were designed to remedy this gap in scientific knowledge and understanding. All of the proposed studentships had a common focus on advancing knowledge about the impact of engagement with creative activities on people with all stages of dementia and on their family and professional carers. Please see the relevant webpages for details of the students, supervisors and the management team. One unique aspect of TAnDem was that it offered the complementary resources of two universities to all the PhD students.

The Arts and Dementia Workshop 2019

On 10th December a group of interested parties gathered at The Hive in Worcester for an event hosted by the TAnDem (The Arts and Dementia) PhD students to share their research from the TAnDem Doctoral Training Centre

A blog on the day can be found here


Cathy Greenblat

(This photograph is copyright to Cathy Greenblat and is NOT available for public use)