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What makes English Literature at Worcester special?

When you choose to study an English Literature degree at the University of Worcester, you are not simply choosing to explore a diverse and challenging range of books and authors. You are embarking on a journey which asks you to have new and transformative encounters with texts - on paper and in the digital realm, from around the world and from Worcester itself. You will be invited to think about how their use of language changes our understanding of our lives, the lives of others, and the world around us. With the support of your academic tutors, this journey prepares you for a wealth of careers, with our students taking up jobs in publishing, teaching, marketing, the heritage and charity sectors, and many more.  You will also be able to take your studies further on an academic or vocational postgraduate course. 



Key features

  • Available as a Single Honours degree or as part of a Joint Honours degree with subjects including Creative Writing, English Language, Media & Film Studies, and History
  • Guest lectures from literary figures such as Owen Sheers, Carol Ann Duffy and Patience Agbabi
  • Develop expertise suited to a range of careers, from teaching to marketing. You will also be well prepared for postgraduate study
  • Through our work project module and numerous internship opportunities, you can enhance your employability whilst you study
  • Excellent industry links, including partnerships with Worcester Cathedral and Hay Festival

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Entry requirements

Entry requirements

UCAS tariff points

Entry requirements

Applicants who are offered a place on the course most commonly satisfy one of the following requirements:

  • 104 UCAS tariff points (single and joint honours), including a minimum  of 2 A Levels, including a minimum grade of C at A2 English
  • Applications are also accepted from students with equivalent Level 3 qualifications
  • Accredited Access and Foundation Courses
  • Mature Entry Route

Other information

We consider applications on an individual basis, so please contact the Admissions Tutor, Dr Sharon Young, if you are unsure about your qualifications.

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Course content

Course content

Year 1


  • Literary Forms and Genres
  • Exploring the Canon
  • Ways of Reading, Ways of Writing
  • Writing Worcester Past and Present


Year 2


  • Exploding the Canon: Literary Theory and Practice
  • Movement and Migration


Year 3


  • Independent Research Project


  • Justice and Revenge: from Tragedy to the Western
  • Postcolonial Encounters
  • Writing and the Environment
  • War and Conflict
  • Gendering Voices
  • Literatures and Cultures: International Explorations
  • Queer Bodies, Queer Texts
  • Literature and Culture – Local Heritage
  • Metamorphoses: Literature and Adaptation

How will you learn across your degree?

Year 1 provides a foundation for your degree, consolidating your understanding of literary forms and genres, providing practice in the important skills of critical reading and writing, and introducing you to some key themes.

In Year 2 you will deepen your understanding of literary movements and contexts, and develop your critical skills by applying literary theories. You will also have the chance to broaden your experience of literary studies, by taking specialist modules or studying abroad. A Work Project module is also available.

By Year 3 you will be ready to undertake your individual research project, supported by a specialist tutor, and pursue your own interests in Literature through a range of themed, optional modules.

"Throughout my studies I always felt supported by academic staff who were encouraging, responsive and passionate about their subjects."

Toni Brookes, English Literature Graduate

Meet the team

You will be taught by a teaching team whose expertise and knowledge are closely matched to the content of the modules on the course. 

Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes, Head of English, Media & Culture

Professor Nicoleta Cinpoes

Nicoleta Cinpoes joined the University of Worcester in 2007. She teaches Renaissance Literature, is International Exchanges Liaison for the Institute of Arts and Humanities and co-director of Worcester's Early Modern Research Group.

She has edited Doing Kyd: A Collection of Critical Essays on the Spanish Tragedy for Manchester University Press (2016) and is currently collaborating on a new Romanian translation of Shakespeare's complete works, writing introductions to Hamlet (2010), Titus Andronicus, Measure for Measure, The Merchant of Venice and The Comedy of Errors.

Professor Jean Webb, Professor of International Children's Literature

Professor Jean Webb

Jean Webb is Director of the International Forum for Research in Childrens Literature which provides a focus for literary, cultural and socio-historical scholarly enquiry into writing for children, internationally. She teaches a broad range of undergraduate modules on nineteenth and twentieth century literature, and is responsible for specialist modules in children's literature. She is also an experienced PhD supervisor and examiner.

Dr Lucy Arnold

Dr Lucy Arnold is a specialist in Contemporary literature, with particular research interests in contemporary gothic, narratives of haunting, contemporary women’s writing and psychoanalytic criticism. Her teaching experience spans a wide range of periods and genres but focusses on twentieth and twenty-first century literature. Her published work to date has concerned the writing of Booker Prize winning novelist Hilary Mantel, with her monograph, Reading Hilary Mantel: Haunted Decades, published with Bloomsbury in 2019.

Dr Sharon Young

Dr Sharon Young is a  Fellow of the HEA and her teaching interests include, Renaissance, Restoration and eighteenth-century literature, women's poetry, and literary theory.

Sharon's research focuses mainly on women's poetry of the early modern period, Renaissance revenge tragedy and women's manuscript culture. Sharon has published on female poets and the critical debates of the early eighteenth century and Mary Leapor. 

Dr Whitney Standlee, Senior Lecturer in English Literature

Dr Whitney Standlee

Dr Whitney Standlee is a specialist in literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with particular research interests in Irish women’s writing and migrant literature. Her publications include two recent books on the subject of Irish women’s writing.

Whitney teaches on a range of core and elective modules at all levels, all of which deal at least in part with nineteenth- and early twentieth century literature.

2 female students and 1 male student working at table

Study English Literature as part of a joint honours degree

As well as a single honours degree, English Literature is also available as part of a number of joint honours combinations, allowing you to combine it with another subject to match your interests and career aspirations:

Creative Writing and English Literature BA (Hons)

Education Studies and English Literature BA (Hons)

English Language and English Literature BA (Hons)

English Literature and History BA (Hons)

English Literature and Journalism BA (Hons)

English Literature and Media & Film Studies BA (Hons)

English Literature and Theatre, Acting & Performance BA (Hons)


Teaching and assessment

Teaching and assessment

The University places emphasis on enabling students to develop the independent learning capabilities that will equip you for lifelong learning and future employment, as well as academic achievement. A mixture of independent study, teaching and academic support through the personal academic tutoring system enables you to reflect on progress and build up a profile of skills, achievements and experiences that will enable you to flourish and be successful.


You will be taught through a combination of workshops, lectures, seminars, research trips to cultural locations in the region, and film screenings. Interactive workshops take a variety of formats and are intended to enable the application of learning through discussion and small group activities. Seminars enable the discussion and development of understanding of topics covered in lectures. All modules are supported by the use of the virtual learning environment and other learning technologies.

You will also have the opportunity to gain employability skills through work-based learning. The primary focus of this provision is the year 2 Work Project module where students gain valuable experience of work. 

In addition, meetings with Personal Academic Tutors are scheduled on at least four occasions in the first year and three occasions in each of the other years of a course.

Contact time

In a typical week you will have around 12 contact hours of teaching. The precise contact hours will depend on the optional modules selected and in the final year you will normally have slightly less contact time in order to do more independent study.

Typically class contact time will be structured around:

  • 4 hours of lectures
  • 8 hours of seminars

Independent self-study

In addition to the contact time, you will be expected to undertake around 24 hours of personal self-study per week. Typically, this will involve primary reading, research and critical reading, group work, directed study tasks.

Independent learning is supported by a range of excellent learning facilities, including the Hive and library resources, the virtual learning environment, and extensive electronic learning resources.


Each module has one or more formal or 'summative' assessments which are graded and count towards the overall module grade. Some modules also provide opportunities to test understanding and learning informally through the completion of practice or 'formative' assignments.

Assessment methods include a range of coursework assessments such as essays, exercises in critical reading, and portfolios. Some assessments provide opportunities to write creative pieces of work.

The precise assessment requirements for an individual student in an academic year will vary according to the mandatory and optional modules taken, but a typical formal summative assessment pattern for each year of the course is:

Year 1
  • 3 Essays
  • 1 Analysis of form
  • 1 Critical exercise
  • 1 Essay plan
  • 1 Contextual reading
  • 1 Group presentation
  • 1 Personal response
  • 1 Portfolio
Year 2
  • 4 Essays
  • 2 Blogs
  • 1 Poster
  • 1 Critical analysis
  • 1 Critical exercise
  • 1 Comprehension exercise
  • 1 Critical anthology
Year 3
  • 1 Independent research project
  • 1 Research portfolio
  • 1 Portfolio
  • 1 Research exercise
  • 4 Essays
  • 1 Presentation
  • 1 Critical project
  • 1 Annotated anthology
  • 1 Close reading
  • 1 cCitical reading


You will receive feedback on practice assessments and on formal assessments undertaken by coursework. Feedback is intended to support learning and you are encouraged to discuss it with personal academic tutors and module tutors as appropriate.

We aim to provide you with feedback on formal course work assessments within 20 working days of hand-in.

Programme Specification

For comprehensive details on the aims and intended learning outcomes of the course, and the means by which these are achieved through learning, teaching and assessment, please download the latest programme specification document.

Charlotte Taylor

Charlotte Taylor

English Literature graduate Charlotte Taylor won the Roger Ebbatson Prize for Research in English Literature 2020 for her work on novelist Margaret Atwood’s bestseller The Handmaid’s Tale.

“The English department at Worcester have given me so much more than a degree. They have given me a confidence in my academic abilities; an unconditional support system; the chance to have fun and experiment with my work, to be creative and think outside the box; and they have cemented my desire to be a lecturer.”

Since completing her undergraduate degree, Charlotte has started her Master’s in English at Worcester, which she is due to complete in September 2021. She has recently been awarded a place on the University of Leeds PhD programme to research the work of the American contemporary novelist, Elizabeth Strout.

Luke Oakes

Luke Oakes

The lecturers on this course were so passionate about each module that I found myself enamoured by texts I might not have otherwise ever discovered. This fuelled my own desire to teach following the completion my degree. The university resources and the Hive library meant that I had an eclectic mix of research available to study, from contemporary papers to original theses, which also supported the development of my research skills.

Whilst the course content offered me the perfect preparation for a career in Further Education lecturing, the empathy shown by staff to support me, both academically and personally, also contributed to the success of my studies. This is something I have carried into my professional life and I’ll always be indebted to the staff at the University for this.

Niamh Fitzpatrick, English Literature graduate

Niamh Fitzpatrick

As well as achieving a degree in English Literature, Niamh Fitzpatrick has won an award for her research from the University’s Early Modern Research Group.

“I chose to study at Worcester as the University offered an amazing course with dedicated lecturers and a vast range of modules, ranging from the Early Modern Period to Modern Day,” said Niamh.

Niamh,who is from Birmingham, is now studying for a Master’s degree in Shakespeare Studies at the University of Birmingham and is hoping to go on to complete a PhD.

Toni Brookes, English Literature graduate

“Studying English at Worcester undoubtedly provided me with three of the most academically stimulating years I’ve had so far. I was given the opportunity to study literature from the 16th century through to the contemporary, with the chance to focus on specific research interests through the final year dissertation project. We covered a diverse range of periods and genres, with assessment including traditional academic essays, creative portfolios, reflective journals and group presentations. Throughout my studies I always felt supported, both personally and professionally, by academic staff who were encouraging, responsive and passionate about their subjects.

"Since graduating from the University of Worcester I have held professional roles in copywriting, marketing more generally, and currently, higher education. Having enjoyed my final year dissertation so much, I also decided to pursue postgraduate study and recently graduated with a Master’s degree in Contemporary Literature and Culture, obtaining a distinction classification. There is no doubt that the skills in critical thinking and analysis I developed throughout my degree were fundamental to successfully completing postgraduate work, and I often find myself thinking about the wonderfully transformative environment I was able to study in as an undergraduate.”

Amy Hill

Amy Hill

“My lecturers in the Institute of Arts and Humanities did an amazing job of transferring us all to online teaching and have been there to support me every step of the way to offer support. There are so many things I will take away from the University of Worcester, but mainly, some words from my lecturer, Dr Sharon Young: 'The world needs more thoughtful people.' This has really resonated with me. The University of Worcester is an extremely inclusive organisation, and inclusivity depends on being thoughtful. I hope to take this forward with me in everything I do."



After our English Literature degree, many of our graduates take a fourth year postgraduate Certificate in Education before entering the teaching profession. Other students will take a certificate in TEFL and become teachers of English as a second language at home or abroad.

Throughout the course, there is a focus on developing employability for careers in English Literature. This includes work experience opportunities on a work project module. Students also have the opportunity to study abroad for a semester.

Many students progress to careers requiring good communication skills such as Public Relations, or develop research careers with media or publishing companies. Those graduates who achieve particularly good results in their first degree may choose to progress to a Masters course. This then often leads to a career as a researcher or further study to PhD.

Two students are walking next to each other and smiling

Careers and Employability

Our Graduates pursue exciting and diverse careers in a wide variety of employment sectors.

Find out how we can support you to achieve your potential

Fees and funding

Full-time tuition fees

UK and EU students

The standard fee for full-time home and EU undergraduate students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the 2025/26 academic year is £9,250 per year (subject to changes in the government tuition fee cap).

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

International students

The standard tuition fee for full-time international students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the 2025/26 academic year is £16,700 per year.

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

Part-time tuition fees

UK and EU students

The standard tuition fees for part-time UK and EU students enrolling on BA/BSc/LLB degrees and FdA/FdSc degrees in the academic year 2025/26 are £1,156 per 15-credit module, £1,542 per 20-credit module, £2,312 per 30-credit module, £3,083 per 40-credit module, £3,469 per 45-credit module and £4,625 per 60 credit module (subject to changes in the government tuition fee cap).

For more details, please visit our course fees page.

Additional costs

Every course has day-to-day costs for basic books, stationery, printing and photocopying. The amounts vary between courses.

If your course offers a placement opportunity, you may need to pay for an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.

We recommend budgeting an estimated £320 per year for course related books.


Finding the right accommodation is paramount to your university experience. Our halls of residence are home to friendly student communities, making them great places to live and study.

We have over 1,000 rooms across our range of student halls. With rooms to suit every budget and need, from our 'Traditional Halls' at £131 per week to 'Ensuite Premium Halls' at £228 per week (2025/26 prices).

For full details visit our accommodation page.

How to apply

How to apply

Applying through UCAS

Single Honours:

  • English Literature BA (Hons) – Q300

Joint Honours:

Please visit the individual joint honours course pages for UCAS links:

UCAS is the central organisation through which applications are processed for entry onto full-time undergraduate courses in Higher Education in the UK.

Read our How to apply pages for more information on applying and to find out what happens to your application.



Get in touch

If you have any questions, please get in touch. We're here to help you every step of the way.



Dr Sharon Young

Admissions tutor